Saturday, 17 December 2011

Monica Mistry 4630 Final Trailer

Ancillary: Billboard poster

Here is my final billboard poster after the audience feedback:

I think this version of the billboard poster did look better because the characters stand out more and the attention is drawn fully to them. It also makes the audience aware that they are still in an educational and young environment because of the back ground pictures which represent our target audience:
  • The 'FRESHERS WEEK' poster represents that they are first year students at university and adds meaning to the name of the soap which is called 'FRESHERS'. It also shows they like going out, drinking and having fun.
  • The post it notes are what students may possibly use for last minute revision as well as to reference revision too or make notes on and are a well known stationary product used by students
  • The kiss marks connote the love dramas in the soap which could reference to cheating, girls flirting, nights out - one night stands and teenage love is what all our target audience could relate to.
  • The pens and pencils are what all students use no matter what age they are.

ANCILLARY: Magazine front cover

Here is my final magazine front cover ancillary.
  • It is a newspaper supplementary product which is why it says "News of The World". We felt this would have been a good newspaper to use as it always had top scandals and news teenagers would be interested in when it existed.
  • It is a special therefore features about other television soaps or series didn't need to be included on this.
  • Use of different fonts makes the front cover look less 'trashy' and  more 'classy'.
  • Gay stereotype used on JP - Chequered shirt in bright colours with all buttons done up and geeky glasses represent his character well. 

Friday, 16 December 2011


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In this video I made on iMovie using Quicktime's screen recording, I showed how I imported videos, cropped into clips, added slow motion and added transitions. I found this was the easiest way to show how I did it.


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Wednesday, 14 December 2011


Ancillary: Billboard poster

  • Freshers posters represent that these are first year uni students.
  • The lipstick marks indicate there is romance and sexuality in the show.
  • The emotions of each characters face are shown - shows there is a story behind each person.
  • 'FRESHERS' and E4 logo are purple - the channel's brand identity.
  • Day and time the soap is shown makes it clear to audience.
  • Pens, pencils and post it notes show they're all in an educational environment.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Audience mood board

We did an audience mood board together to show what are target audience would be interested in:

  • The 'Vans' trainers, baseball cap, glasses and clothes store names show that the generation we are targetting are interested in fashion which makes it clear for us to know our characters have to be dressed in modern, fashionable clothing.
  • Twitter and Facebook - the social network sites are what our target audience use on a daily basis so we could add a "#freshers" trend to twitter or make a facebook page for our show.
  • The make-up show that people are aware of their appearance and take pride in their appearance so even though our characters are going to be going through bad times, they still would wear make up when outside and be conscious about how they look.
  • The phone shows that our target audience rely on their phones a lot. In our trailer, texting and ringing each other has a big play on storylines so the audience could relate to how people text each other their problems or simply putting the phone down on someone.
  • The energy drink shows that our target audience do stay up and have a lot of late nights to be tired in the morning for college or university. Also our target audience go out a lot at night and would have an energy drink the next day to make them feel more awake. We didn't play on this in the trailer but we did use drugs which is something everybody knows about.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Eastenders - Ancillary Practice

Here in my practice ancillary I watched a clip of EastEnders and used a screen grab of a suitable image I could use in a billboard. I then added a caption to help convey the story line as "When secrets are revealed..." It looks like the man has something to hide from  the woman in this picture and the framing of the man between the door frame emphasises the fact that he's there though it seems like he shouldn't be as he's watching the woman reading opened letters. I also put the name of the show, the times it's shown and the channel as it is a form of advertisement and viewers would need to know this information.

PLANNING: Freshers

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ANCILLARY: Making my magazine cover

ANCILLARY: Making My Magazine
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PLANNING: Ancillaries

Before I made my ancillaries I had plans of how I wanted them to look at first. I did a basic sketch of each one to show the basic layout of what I wanted. Here are the images of my sketches.



Practice Ancillary

Here, I made a practice ancillary using an original and screen grabs from a soap to help me understand the conventions of a magazine. I tried to make my version like the classy version I mimicked but the genre I used didn't match so my version looks like a trashy magazine.

Ancillary Research

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Monday, 28 November 2011

RESEARCH: Hollyoaks trailer


  • Starts with a title card showing BRAND IDENTITY for existing viewers to recognise it
  • Short clips and quick edits showing characters emotions at the beginning of the trailer
  • Parallel narratives showing what's happening to each character by showing clips of different stories at different times then going back to the same characters again
  • Varied shot types - Close ups on emotions, long shots for establishing shots, lots of two shots (mostly mid shots) to show couples cuddling and kissing to establish their relationships
  • Last title card has: HASHTAG for social network sites, TIME AND DATE SHOWN, channel shown as channel 4 but e4 logo in top right corner showing the PROGRAMME it's shown on and the brand identity of the soap trailer name by using 'HOLLYOAKS' in the same font as it usually does.
  • NON-DEIGETIC SOUNDTRACK goes with the emotions of the trailer which seems to be about people who are in love with eachother or people who generally love each other as friends making the audience know exactly how to feel
  • Use of MISE EN SCENE - charity boxes show woman is naked for a charity event, kitchen location show people are at home, smoothies on a table outside with plastic cups and straws shows friends meeting up out side (socialising)

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Monica Mistry 4630 Rough Cut of Trailer


When showing this version of my trailer to my peers so far, the main audience feedback I got was that the edits would look so much better if I matched them up with the music beat. It would create the effect of a thought beat throughout the trailer. I now plan to change the edits to match the non diegetic music.
I was also told that maybe because the characters were so young I should change my institution to E4 rather than Channel 4 so I plan to make a new title card for E4.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011


Before we filmed, we planned scripts of what we wanted to be said in each story line and use in our own individual trailers. Here is evidence of our final written scripts.




EVIDENCE: Planning

Before we started filming, we planned as a group to decide storylines, scripts and locations. Here is photographic evidence of us planning in our group.Planning evidence
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EVIDENCE: Filming & Storyboard Making

Here is a slideshow to show a mix of all the images of us filming our practice trailer and making story boards for our final trailer.
Filming and storyboard making
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Monday, 7 November 2011

American Soap Operas

-         Serve different purposes to British soap operas. (British is generally working class, gritty, problems) Hollyoaks is more glamorous and TOWIE is a scripted real life situation.
-         American soap opera tends to be much more glamorous and a lot more escapist.
-         People have unattainable lifestyles to make the audience feel good.
-         Beautiful actors who always have a perfect appearance.
-         Melodramatics (based more around emotional drama leading to love dramas, affairs, secret family etc.. Feminine genre to be aimed at the female housewife audience)
-         They can run in seasons where as British soaps are continuous.
-         Soundtracks make it more melodramatic, diegetic, tells audience how to feel.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Soap Opera Basics

• Uk soaps contain more realism than US and Spanish soaps.
• Traditional soap operas run continuously – character storylines overlap.
• Can have 10-15 main characters with a range of ages, genders, sexualities, races, to appeal to as large of an audience as possible.
• Soap operas become part of the national psyche- they weave into our culture.
• Characters become “people”, they are spoken of as if they are family.
• Audience- soaps tend to be aimed at female audiences. This affects scheduling, storylines, characters, narratives and perspectives.
• Story- events unfolding.
• Narrative perspective- the point of view the story is told from.
• Chatharsis- emotional cleansing. Watching someone go through the same as you makes you feel better.

Monday, 17 October 2011

Dallas 2012 Trailer Review


What the audience learn from the trailer

• Dallas is in Texas so the audience instantly know where the soap is set and also know that Dallas is a heavily rich area for oil.
• The non-diegetic music builds up in the background to play a modernised version of the old soundtrack. This is so the audience can recognise it when they hear it (housewives when they’re in a different room – soaps are usually aimed at women).
• JR is introduced as an old man to show the show has moved on by a couple of years as he has white hair, old hands and is holding a blanket.
• Bobby’s answer to “and for what?” is answered on a title card saying ‘MONEY’ which indicates greed within a family – lets the audience know that there is feuds within the family because of greed.
• The gold colour of the title cards makes the audience subconsciously think about oil because the storyline is about the family making money of oil farms.
• Quick cuts show more of the story line so the audience are attracted to the trailer and want to know more as it seems more exciting – each shot is only for 2-4 seconds.
• JR’s son and Bobby’s son are both shown arguing which goes with the fast paced orchestra music showing that the soap is going into the next generation and the feud is being passed down through the generations.
• The ‘POWER’ and ‘RIVALRY’ title cards sum up the argument to make it completely clear to the audience that there is a rivalry because of power.
• “I don’t want them to be like us” – Bobby. This shows that even though JR and Bobby are fighting, they still care about each other. American soaps use relationships where the characters hate but love each other at the same time.
• The montage edit introduces more characters.
• The zoom in to the establishing, high angle shot of the big house on the land then the cut to a character (Bobby’s son) shows the house belongs to him and he’s wealthy but he’s not happy because he’s saying to his father “my whole life I’ve been trying to put your name back on top.” – He is fighting to make his father proud.
• A couple exchanging kisses then getting married shows there’s romance in the soap which would attract the female audience more as it’s something they enjoy watching and can relate to.
• Showing the pan and zoom establishing shot of the city let’s the audience know the characters are from a wealthy city.
• “No drilling on my ranch” shows conflict to the audience as it shows another feud and theft of oil may be happening due to the greed of the characters.
• “I am sick to death of this family devouring itself over money” – Sums up why the family don’t get along to the audience. Again, greed and money.
• Showing characters with nice cars and riding horses on big fields and having well lit shots of them shows the characters are wealthy and can afford luxury lifestyles.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Soap Opera Practice Trailer

This is my practice trailer. By making this I:

  • Learnt how to do the basics on iMovie like crop into clips, add transitions, add non diegetic sound and edit.
  • Convey a varied range of shot types to show different storylines.
  • Use my knowledge of soap trailer conventions
If I could improve this I would:
  • Choose a better song to show the story lines of Josh having 2 different girls at the same time - show the narrative better.
  • Use a more varied range of shot types.
  • Keep the  shot in eye level of the characters.
  • Use more close up shots.